Filler Injections. Your Quick Fix - Moawad Skin Institute (MSI)
The two principal categories of temporary fillers approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for facial rejuvenation are hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxylapatite. The selection of HA implant is based on the indication and site of placement. For lifting and restoring volume, and improving the structural foundations and facial contour, a high-density HA implant is injected deeply into the supra-periosteum. To treat medium-deep depression, we used a mid-density hyaluronic acid filler injected sub-dermally. For treating the periorbital area and the area around the lip, giving finished facial refinements, a low-density hyaluronic acid filler is selected with a water-like consistency filler. The most significant limitation of a filler compared with fat transfer is the potential cost compared with the latter as each syringe can be expensive. The greatest benefit of a filler is accuracy. The other benefit is that a filler is bioinert and does not increase with patient’s weight gain but obviously may not look good when a patient does gain or lose weight as the filler has been injected to match a person’s current weight status.
Moawad Skin Iinsititute (MSI)